Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The information below must be read thoroughly and carefully before any booking is made. These terms and conditions are not subject to variation without prior consent in writing from Equilibrium and Enablement (eQe) Ltd. Once a booking has been accepted either by email, written confirmation, or by electronic means including BACS transfer or Paypal, the client(s) named on a program will have entered into a binding contract on the basis of the following Terms and Conditions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: either by email at enquiries@eQeOUTDOORS.com or by post at Equilibrium and Enablement Ltd, 14 Offerton Rd., Hazel Grove, SK7 4NJ, England, UK.

1. Agreement

Any agreement based on the outlined terms and conditions arise upon the fulfilment of the following:

  • Receipt and clearance in eQe’s bank account of either full payment or non-refundable deposit as detailed in section 2 below.
  • That the person named on the booking is taken as the client attending the program, or a legally recognised agent of the client for and on their behalf unless otherwise specified.
  • The Agreement is between eQe and the client(s) booked and is the sole agreement between those parties.
  • eQe reserves the right to refuse bookings to any party or individual without need to give reasons solely at eQe’s discretion and eQe will return any payment accompanying the booking.

2. Payment of UK Programs

For the Certificate in Advanced Wilderness Therapeutic Approaches, there are three payment options:

  1. Pay in full:  This option requires that payment is received before training commences.
  2. Two instalments:  Pay the required deposit to confirm booking, and pay the balance before training commences. Following the receipt by eQe Ltd of an initial non-refundable deposit, the balance of the fees is required in full no later than 8 weeks before the program starts.
  3. Six monthly installments:  Monthly consecutive payments, spreading the cost equally over no more than 6 months.
  4. N.B. BLOCK BOOKINGS: Organisations or groups booking more than two places on a course intake must PAY IN FULL, by 8 weeks before the programme commences.  If booking more than 4 places (if available), this must be discussed and agreed with eQe before the booking will be confirmed.  (Email: enquiries@eqeoutdoors.com)
  • In all cases an initial payment is required to trigger a booking.
  • Unless otherwise discussed and agreed with eQe (e.g. in connection with extended 6 month payment requirements), bookings made within 8 weeks of program commencement must be accompanied by payment in full.
  • For options 1, 2 and 4 – If the balance (full payment) is not received prior to training commencement, eQe reserves the right to treat the agreement as cancelled by the client(s) in relation to Clause 3 below.

3. Cancellation of a Booking

Given the substantial preparation by eQe prior to any program, the client must be aware of the following terms and conditions and therefore agrees to such.

If the booking is cancelled for any reason the following charges will be applied, irrespective of which payment plan has been selected and irrespective of how much has already been paid:

For all single bookings:

  • Cancellation more than 8 weeks before the program starts results in the deposit amount being payable to, or retained by, eQe (£390 per place)
  • Cancellation 4-8 weeks before program commencement requires 50% of the program price being payable to, or retained by, eQe (£540 per place)
  • Cancellation less than 4 weeks before program commencement requires 100% of the program price being payable to, or retained by, eQe (£1080 per place).

For all BLOCK BOOKINGS (two or more places) made by organisations or for groups:

  • Cancellation of two or more places more than 16 weeks before the program starts results in the deposit amount being payable to, or retained by, eQe for each place (£390 per place).
  • Cancellation of two or more places 12-16 weeks before program commencement requires 50% of the program price being payable to, or retained by, eQe for each place (£540 per place)
  • Cancellation of two or more places less than 12 weeks before program commencement requires 100% of the program price being payable to, or retained by, eQe for each place (£1080 per place)

Variation of Program by eQe

By its very nature an eQe program is subject to natural forces and although every effort is made to comply with the program content, eQe reserves the right to alter the program content to match any natural variables. The client acknowledges that information provided by us is given to the best of our ability but that because of natural variable it may be necessary to change the itinerary and that in such circumstances it is not reasonable for eQe to be liable for any losses as a result and that our liability is limited accordingly.

4. Client Conduct

eQe clients are expected to behave in a reasonable manner at all times and to comply with the reasonable instructions and leadership of eQe. eQe reserves the right to remove any client(s) from the program at the instructor/leader’s absolute discretion without recourse to repayment for that program and against the client(s) will if necessary. Circumstances that may warrant exclusion from a program includes (without limitation): intoxication, use of non-prescription drugs, abusive behaviour, inability to meet the rigours of the program for physical or mental reasons, or through lack of appropriate equipment. If you are in any doubt about your ability to meet the rigours of the program, please contact your GP before booking. For removal of any party under such conditions, eQe will not be liable to any losses as a result and eQe is also entitled to any reasonable costs arising from removal of said client(s) payable upon demand. In addition, parents, guardians or those in a position of similar responsibility are to ensure the behaviour and safe control of any children who may be present to the satisfaction of eQe.

5. Insurance

eQe is covered to a level of £5,000,000 for Public Liability and is insured as an Outdoor Activities Provider. eQe clients are advised to provide their own personal insurance cover from a well established company.

6. Liability

eQe programs take place in the outdoors, which by its nature is never completely free from hazard. While all reasonable precautions are taken to minimise the risks the client accepts that accidents including serious injury and death can occur without eQe being at fault. The client also recognises that eQe is not responsible for loss or damage to the personal property of the client including vehicles, money, clothing and/or equipment. The client also recognises attendance of an eQe program, unless it is explicitly specified and run as a training course, in no way gives permission or qualifies him/her to teach or deliver the program content, in part or in full, or a modified version thereof, unless explicitly specified by eQe.  eQe accepts no responsibility for any mishap occurring to third parties taught by attendees of any eQe program. eQe also takes no responsibility for any mishap during a program from any instruction or information not given by eQe appointed instructors or assistants. eQe also takes no responsibility for any mishaps occurring as a result of the client’s failure to follow instruction.

7. Intellectual Property and Copyright

Participants in eQe programs will adhere to copyright, trademark and intellectual property requirements. Any products, logos, programme names, materials, approaches, programmes or interventions remain the property of eQe.  He/She will keep secret and confidential any key or detailed information about the program, the program content, the company and its operation, as disclosure of this to competitors or other third parties could cause serious damage to eQe business.  It may not be replicated or copied or adapted or delivered by any third party without explicit permission of eQe.

8. Cancellation by eQe

In the event that eQe cancels a program, all monies will be refunded in full, or if preferred, transferred as a deposit for another program. Please note that eQe requires a minimum number of clients to run a program. eQe reserves the right to cancel all and any bookings without reason or notice. Under these unlikely circumstances eQe agrees to repay in full all and any deposits or program fees to the client.

If booking from overseas, eQe will not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of course cancellation e.g. related travel bookings and cancellations.  You must ensure you have adequate travel / booking insurance to cover these potential penalties or costs. You may be able to purchase travel insurance against the possibility of a program being cancelled, and we strongly advise that you investigate this further.  eQe will only refund the payments already made to eQe for the actual program booked.

9. Complaints

In the unlikely event that a client has cause for complaint about an eQe program, the complaint should be made to a representative of eQe during the event in order that corrective action can be taken as quickly as reasonably possible, and if necessary. If the complaint is about a member of staff then please contact eQe’s registered office and we shall inform you of the complaints procedures so we can take the necessary action. A complaint must be made immediately. eQe will not accept a complaint after the end of the program. However, should a problem not be resolved at source, a complaint should be made in writing within 28 days or this complaint will not be upheld.

10. Allergies and Medical Conditions

If you suffer from medical conditions, or severe allergies from substances such as nuts, specific plants, insects/bees etc, please be mindful of this given that you will likely be in a remote woodland environment which is not immediately accessible by emergency services, where all manner of nuts, seeds, and a wide variety of plants, vegetation and insects are present.  You need to look after yourself, and make sure you have adequate medication / anti-allergenics that you require, e.g. including Insulin, ®Epipen, inhalers etc.  eQe leaders do not carry such medical supplies.  You must inform eQe as soon as possible of any such conditions, and show proof of adequate treatment that you have with you, particularly if you think it will affect your participation in certain elements of your program.

11. Travel Documents

Overseas clients are solely responsible, where necessary, for ensuring that he/she has all the necessary travel documents, insurances, passports, visas, etc.

Updated 25/09/2024